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Chemical Resistance

Epoxy Solutions™: Superior Chemical Resistance

Epoxy Solutions™ offers an excellent array of products designed for mild, moderate, and heavy-duty chemical resistance to common substances such as sulfuric acid, nitric acid, acetic acid, alcohol, diesel oil, and many more. During our facility assessment, we compare the chemicals to specific systems to ensure our materials overperform rather than underperform, minimizing maintenance requirements.

It is also common to enhance the strength of epoxy with fibrous reinforcement or mineral fillers. The variety of combinations of epoxy resins and vinyl ester resins provides adequate reinforcement and offers a wide range of obtainable options.

Reliable and Durable Solutions

All our systems are waterproof, non-porous, easy to clean, and resistant to chemicals and abrasion. There is no better solution than an Epoxy Solutions™ solution for your flooring needs.